Aug 6, 2013

Preschool Songs for an Apple Theme

#1 To the tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider

Once a little apple seed was planted in the ground.
Down came the soft rain, falling all around.
Out came the sun as bright as it could be
And that little apple seed grew up to be a tree!

#2 To the tune of Yankee Doodle

Peel an apple, cut it up,
Put it in a pot.
When you taste it,
You will find,
It's applesauce you've got!

#3 To the tune of Ring Around the Rosie

Ring around the apple tree
All full of apples
Shake it, shake it
They all fall down

#4  To the tune of  5 Currant Buns in the Bakery Shop

Five red apples in the grocery shop
Bright and crispy with a stem on the top
Along came (child's name) with some money one day
He bought that yummy apple
And he ate it right away.

#5 Way Up High in the Apple Tree

Jul 26, 2013

Babies and Toddlers and Music!

Even though a young child is not talking or is in the first steps of learning a language, he/she can still communicate and enjoy songs through other forms of communication. If a song comes on that a child enjoys he/she will inevitably display facial expressions or body language that the particular song is a favourite. A child might clap his/her hands or jump up and down, perhaps even do a little dance.

Baby Communication

If an older baby or young toddler likes the music playing or is familiar with a song being sung, there are signs of communication.
  • eye widening
  • looking to where the music is playing
  • feet kicking
  • smiling
  • arms flapping
  • clapping
  • pointing
  • jumping up and down
  • dancing
  • actions from the song

Beyond Action Songs

Fingerplay and action songs have been the most well known way of allowing young children to participate with a song without actually singing the words. Thus, when singing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider", a child will bring his/her hands down to represent rain or turn his hands around and around to make the "Wheels on the Bus". But, there are still other ways that young children can communicate through visual presentations about what songs they want to hear.

Letting them Choose

With each option, a baby or toddler can choose the song to sing or listen to. One of the easiest ways of offering the choice is to place an item in each hand and then presented the items for a baby to choose from. Look for the baby's communication, such as a pointing gesture or smile. Following are some suggestions:

1. Song Cards: cards with pictures/symbols which represent the song, such as a star for "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". These cards work well as magnets.

2. Felt Stories: felt pieces on a flannel board illustrating the song, such as "Old Macdonald Had a Farm"

3. Songs Books: Many musicians publish their lyrics into a book format. A good example is Raffi's "Baby Beluga"

4. Puppets: Glove puppets and other similar props can be presented for a baby to choose.

The Benefits of Music for Language Development

Singing songs with repetitive lyrics encourages language development with babies and toddlers. Listening to the same word again and again in an appealing format of music, will encourage the process. Many children's first words come out of classic songs as the melodic sounds can be very conducive for learning. Music is an integral component of creating a rich environment for children of all ages.

Further Reading Suggestions:

Action Songs for Toddlers