Jun 21, 2013

Valentine's Day Songs about Love

Love is Something If You Give It Away

This following song about love could occur at circle time in an early childhood setting, or with a group of loved ones: family and/or friends. With a penny in his/her hand, the leader will explain to the children that as the song is sung the penny must be passed around the circle. Once a child receives the penny, he/she immediately passes it along. This activity will correlate with the following song, "Love is Something If You Give it Away" by Malvina Reynolds. This version has been changed from love to happiness.

Love is something if you give it away...(repeat, until the penny is back in you hand)

Give it away, give it away

Love is something if you give it away

You end up having more.

It's just like having a magic penny

Hold it tight and you won't have any

Lend it, spend it, you'll have so many

They'll roll all over the floor, cause...

Valentine's Day Friendship Song

Sung to "Row, Row, Row, your boat" 


Love, Love, Love your Friends,

Love them all year long.

Especially on Valentine's Day,

As we sing this song!

Family Song

Another song about love which is great for young children to sing is about their family members. This song can be used for Mother's Day and Father's Day as well. Find a tune that you prefer for the following lyrics:

I love my mommy, yes I do.

I love my mommy, yes I do

I love my mommy, yes I DO!

I love my mommy, and she loves me too

Preschool Songs for Friendship Theme

The More We Get Together

In a circle, the children can stand up or be sitting holding hands to sing this song. The children's name can be included throughout the song. Raffi's version is the most well known.

The more we get together, together, together

The more we get together, the happier we'll be

With Bobby and Jenny, and Sarah and James (optional)

The more we get together, the happier we'll be.

Valentine's Day Friendship Song

Sung to:  "Row, Row, Row, your boat" :

Love, Love, Love your Friends,

Love them all year long.

Especially on Valentine's Day,

As we sing this song!

Although the lyrics are not about friendship, the activity during this song is great for a friendship theme. The teacher needs to find different color scarves and tie into a big train. Then in a circle, the scarf train will come out of the box. The children must work together to gently pass the tied up scarves through their hands, until it makes a full circle and everyone is holding onto the rainbow chain. While this activity is occurring, the teacher and children can sing or listen to the "Rainbow Song:" The following youtube version is a little slow. I suggest speeding up the tempo with young children and the scarf activity.


Red and yellow and pink and green

Purple and orange and blue

I can sing a rainbow

Sing a rainbow

Sing a rainbow too.

                        Circle of Ideas offering ECE Online Workshops

Airplane Preschool Songs


The Wheels on the Plane

Suggested tune: “Wheels on the Bus”

The wheels on the plane go up and down, up and down, up and down
The wheels on the plane go up and down, all around the sky.
The workers on the plane say coffee or tea, coffee or tea, coffee or tea?
The workers on the plane say coffee or tea all around the sky.
The babies on the plane go wah wah wah, wah wah wah, wah wah wah
The babies on the plane go wah wah wah, all around the sky.
The mothers on the plane go sshh, sshh, sshh, sshh, sshh, sshh,
The mothers on the plane go sshh, sssh, sshh, all around the sky.
The pilot on the plane says seatbelts on, seatbelts on, seatbelts on
The pilot on the plane says seatbelts on, all around the sky.

I’m a Little Airplane

Sung to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot"

I'm a little airplane
In the sky
Here are my wings

Watch me fly!
When the time is ready
I'll come down
Gently landing
On the ground


Did You Ever See an Airplane?


Sung to the tune of "Did You Ever See a Lassie?"
Did you ever see an airplane,
An airplane, an airplane?
Did you ever see an airplane
Way up in the sky?
There are big ones and small ones
Fast ones and slow ones
Did you ever see an airplane
Way up in the sky?

10 Little Airplanes


Sung to the tune of "Ten Little Indians"
One big, two big, three big airplanes
Four big, five big, six big airplanes
Seven big, eight big, nine big airplanes
Flying in the sky.
Zoom, zoom, zoom, go the airplanes
Zoom, zoom, zoom, go the airplanes
Zoom, zoom, zoom, go the airplanes
Flying in the sky.