Apr 5, 2018

Pets Preschool Theme/Interest

With the popularity of Paw Patrol  and Pete the Cat among young children,  a topic surrounding pets  for preschool aged children is a great idea. This interest or theme gives opportunities for children to learn about different animals and talk about their own  cherished furry friends (scaled friends too!) 


Start a Pet Theme at Circle Time

To begin a theme about pets, ask the children at group circle who has a pet. This question will definitely open up the topic with discussion. Ask questions like:

•Do you help your mom and dad with taking care of the pet?
•Where does your pet sleep?
•Who feeds the pet and what does it eat?
•What kind of pet do you wish you had?
•What does your pet do that gets him in trouble?
•How do you keep your pet healthy?

Math Activity with Pets

At circle time, a great way to teach math concepts and to learn about all the pets collectively owned by the children and their families is to make a pet graph. Before this activity, prepare a graph onto a large sheet of paper with pictures at the top (or bottom) of commonly owned pets, such as a dog, a cat, a bird, a fish, and a hamster.

These animals will make the individual vertical rows. A few blank rows should also be included for other pets that are given. Then take a tally of pets. Each child will say what kind of pets they have at home and as the answers are provided, the teacher will mark off a block. Then, at the end the preschool children can see which pet animal the classroom has the most of. Discuss with the children how one row is the tallest, and one is the shortest, then count the blocks that were made. This graph can be displayed for families to view.

ALTERNATIVE: Courtesy of beaconlearning.com
Pet Art Ideas

There are many preschool craft ideas surrounding cats, dogs, fish and other house animals on the internet.  Here are some open ended art activities for a pet theme...

  1. Painting with dog or cat figurines 
  2. Photos of pets with paper and drawing
  3. Creating pets animals with clay or playdough
  4. Collage material to encourage pet creations: fabric, feathers, paper, yarn, etc. 
  5. Paw stamps or stencils
  6. Pet rocks

Felt Board Activities for a Pet Preschool Lesson Plan

Felts are a great way to tell stories and involve children in learning activities. Felts are easy to make with the right material. This felt activity involves different color dogs with matching dog houses. At circle time have the preschool children bring felts to the flannel board and match the colors together.

Find more stories on Felt Board Ideas

Scat the Cat

Further Reading Suggestions: 

Reptile Preschool Theme

Bird Preschool Theme

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