Jul 25, 2013

Preschool Songs for All About Me Theme

All About Me is a great theme to include into a 3-5 year old curriculum. Commonly the theme is chosen to begin a preschool year, but focusing on the individuality of each child is a good topic any time of the year!

The following song includes actions:

Song #1  I am Special
(to the tune of Frere Jacques)

First ask the children to all stand up with their hands on their hips to sing:

I am special, I am special
You will see, you will see

Then turn around on the spot and sing

Someone very special, someone very special,

Ending with arms stretched right up in the air

Yes! It's me. Yes! It's me.

Song#2 This is the Way...To Keep Our Bodies Healthy
              (to the tune of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush)

Often an All About Me theme is overlapped with Health and Nutrition, and this a great song for such a topic. Including actions with the words makes the song more fun to sing for young children, and easier to learn.

This is the way we wash our hands, wash our hands, wash our hands
This is the way we wash our hands, to keep our bodies healthy.

This is the way we eat good food, eat good food, eat good food
This is the way we eat good food, to keep our bodies healthy.

Other verses:
This is the way we exercise
This is the way we go to sleep

Suggestion: Ask the children for ideas and include into the song!

Song #3  My Fingers are Starting to Wiggle
               (to the tune of The Bear Went Over the Mountain)

A great song to sing anytime at a circle time! Helps children identify body parts and participate with movement.

My fingers are starting to wiggle, my fingers are starting to wiggle, my fingers are starting to wiggle
Around around around.

(My hands, arms, head, are starting to wiggle, etc.)   My whole body's starting to wiggle,
My whole body's starting to wiggle,
My whole body's starting to wiggle,
I guess I'll just sit down.

Song #4 Shaker Shaker
              (any tune that works)

A good song for group participation and togetherness. To begin this song, find something that will shake and make some noise.

Shaker, shaker, (child's name)
Shake it like you can,
Shake it like a milkshake
And pass it to your friend.

Further reading suggestion : All About Me Book


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