A preschool theme about bears could easily be divided into smaller topics surrounding specific kinds of bears: brown bears, panda bears, polar bears, teddy bears and so forth. That being said, the following article predominantly focuses on brown bears.
Fun Facts about Brown Bears
Circle time is a perfect place to provide some simple facts about the preschool program's theme with or without a book. Start by asking children what they know and record their answers down. The early childhood provider can then fill in the information that may have not been mentioned. This process of group learning honours the children for their input, ideas and knowledge. Some fun brown bear facts to share with the children are:
- During winter a brown bear sleeps for four to seven months which is called hibernation
- Through the fall, the bear will eat almost all day to store up fat in preparation for his long sleep
- The bear will sleep in a den
- While hibernating, the bear's heartbeat slows down
- Baby bears are born in the den during winter, and when first born are the size of a chipmunk
- A baby bear is protected by its mother in the spring and stays beside her for up to three years
- Brown bears are found all around the world
- They usually eat fruit, insects, roots and bulbs.
- By the coast, brown bears eat salmon
- Communities that live near bears, should place their garbage in protective bins
Bear Crafts
Bear Shape and Collage Material
A bear shape made out of brown construction paper which can then be decorated is an easy and fun craft for a preschool activity. Older preschool children can practice fine motor skills with scissors and brown paper, folded lengthwise with half a bear traced on its edge (very similar to a classic Valentine's heart craft). When the bear is cut out, it can be decorated with craft material and glue. Following are some suggestions:
- pom poms
- buttons
- pieces of scrap material
- dry coffee grinds
- brown tissue paper
- googly eyes
Brown Bear and Marble Painting
Marble painting is a classic preschool craft activity. The materials needed are large marbles or golf balls, paint, paper and a shoebox. Place a bear shape onto the bottom of the shoebox created from sturdy paper. Place a dollop of brown paint in the middle, making sure the paint is not too thick, and a marble or two. Close the shoebox and let the child shake it all around. The marble will move through the paint leaving a design on the shape. This craft activity is a great choice for children of all ages and abilities.
Bear Songs
Music is such an integral part of a preschool program, and children not only are drawn to the sound, but can learn through the lyrical words.
Little Bear
To the tune of Frere Jacques
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping
Little bear, little bear.
You will sleep all winter
Through the cold, cold winter,
Little bear, little bear.
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,
Little bear, little bear
You will wake in springtime,
In the warm, warm springtime,
Little bear, little bear
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
Sung To: For He's a Jolly Good Fellow
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
To see what he could see
To see what he could see,
To see what he could see.
The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
The other side of the mountain,
Was all that he could see
Was all that he could see,
Was all that he could see,
The other side of the mountain,
Was all that he could see!
Brown Bear Stories
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Brown Bear, Brown Bear |
Bears are a popular topic for children's story books. Childcare providers will surely be able to collect a bundle of books to place on the library shelves during a bear preschool theme. Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle is a wonderful book to relay with felt pieces on a flannel board. The repetitive words provide young children an opportunity to join and develop language skills. Another wonderful story featuring a bear, is The Mitten by Jan Brett.
The Mitten by Jan Brett |
There are so many ideas that can be included into a bear theme, here are just a few more:
- Have a Teddy Bear Day, and invite each child to bring in there favourite
- Hide teddy bears around the room and send the children on a bear hunt
- Place plastic bears into a sensory table with nature items and material for the children to create dens , such as plastic tubs
- Make bear shaped cookies